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Service Times: Sundays 10:30am & Wednesdays 7:00pm
"They overcame... by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony..." Revelation 12:11
Hearing Restored
I recieved hearing in my left ear when the pastors prayed for me & I heard a voice that I thought was right next to me, but it was someone across the room. I never heard that well before! —R.C
Past Hurts
"He(Jesus) healed me emotionally and took away the wounds & scars I had no hope of being free from." —F.R
Clear Vision
"I was having trouble with blurry vision. There was an alter call for healing. The Lord took the blur away. Thank you Lord!" —J.S.
Set Free
"I am no longer chained to the addiction to smoking!" —J.S
"I was healed from lung, ear and nasal congestion. God is good!" T.S
Freedom from Meth Addiction
"I started using meth when I was a freshman in high school. I've lost cars and a brand new home. I lost my mind and I almost lost my life on a couple different occasions. I almost lost one of the most important people in my life. I couldn't stop using to save my own life much less my children. It's like the devil had me in a choke hold and he wouldn't let me go. The devil had a tight grip on my life. My family brought me to Life of Faith Church. Pastor Jim asked if anyone needed salvation, another way of life. God working through Pastor Jim saved my life that day. God restored my heart and made me a new creation, a new man, a giver and tither, he even made me an usher. Believe it or not he made me a vessel and so I was able to give salvation to a coworker through God. I'm filled with the Holy Spirit and I'm flat out blessed to be able to give the first half of my testimony of what God has done for me. - R.H
The Holy Spirit is Present
"This is one of the best churches I've ever been to, the Holy Spirit is so present." - I.W
Emotional Healing
"I was adopted when I was 3 years old by a mormon family. I was emotionally and verbally abused by them my whole life. When I was 14, a close family friend did the unthinkable to me and I got pregnant and had a baby at 15. I left the mormon church and ever since I had been looking for a church... Since I have turned my life over to Jesus, He has provided me a place to live. God has given me a church family that I love dearly and I don't know what I would do without them. I am glad that I know that God is a loving and forgiving Father." P.G
Freedom from Depression and Back Pain
"For about 3 months I had been deeply depressed and was too proud to ask for prayer or for anyone to agree with me. because I didn't want people to think I was weak. One Sunday morning service a guest minister was preaching and I felt a calmness come over me and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I was released. At the end of service Pastor Jim had called up those who needed healing in their body. I had been disabled since 1993. Being a nurse and injured at the hospital. I had been in pain, chronically for 27 years. When Pastor anointed me with oil and touched my forehead, the Lord's presence overwhelmed me. I went to the floor fully aware that I was healed immediately. I've been healed and no more walker for me, praise the Lord!" - B.T
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